Very appreciative of the awesome review of Kitchen Curse by Noah Flora for the nation, which provides excellent context for these short stories and reads them in the spirit they were written.
Jakarta International Literary Festival
I was delighted to be called upon to translate the curatorial comments for the upcoming inaugural Jakarta International Literary Festival offered by Eka Kurniawan, who is a member of the curatorial team. I only wish I could attend, as the festival looks like it has a stellar line up of Indonesian and international speakers and program events. I’m very sad to miss it but hope to go in future years!
Lithub Recommends Beauty is a Wound
Indonesia is the Market Focus Country for the London Book Fair this year, and in celebration Lithub published a list by Inthan Pramaditha, a noteworthy Indonesian author in her own right, about five Indonesian novels not to be missed. In addition to Beauty is a Wound there are a range of titles worth exploring, including the (in)famous now-classic Saman by Ayu Utami and translated by Pamela Allen, and recent Sergius seeks Bacchus by Norman Pasaribu, translated by Tiffany Tsao.